Odesa cuisine combines Ukrainian breadth, Jewish ingenuity, Oriental spice, European thoroughness, French layering and Caucasian spice, like a big cauldron.
Incorporating the best of both worlds, Odesa cuisine flavored the dishes with a bit of the southern sun, the salt of the generous sea, and the aroma of ripe tomatoes.
In the performance of Savely Libkin, Odesa cuisine sounds, charges with mood and desire to cook exactly the salad, in the sauce of which you then dip a piece of Borodino, exactly the blue fish caviar, a kilogram of which is only "for tasting".
Bright, unforgettable, leaving the warmest memories, Odesa cuisine, which gathers everyone at a large table, leaves no one indifferent.
Jamie Magazine
Mykhailo Zhvanetsky
Slightly salted tulechka, fried gobies, forshmak (always with sour apple simiren!), stuffed neck, touching bluefish, mysterious placinda... Odesa cuisine, like Odesa humor, is a unique phenomenon. If you think about it, there is no St. Petersburg or Moscow cuisine. But Odesa's is alive and well.
It's nice that this uniqueness has finally received a serious assessment. It is doubly gratifying that it is reviewed by Savely Lybkin, the author and inspiration behind, without exaggeration, the most delicious Odesa restaurants, where traditional recipes get a second life.
Like a Black Sea flounder, he professionally and humorously dissects the culinary techniques, habits and types of Odessans with such appetizing details that the aroma and color of "karsuni by the sea" can be easily felt by simply turning the pages.
You can deceive your heart, but you can never deceive your stomach.
The stomach is the most honest thing in Odesa. That's why we love to eat so much. Starting with the USSR, when there was nothing to eat, and ending with Ukraine, when there is plenty of everything.
If the USSR was a country of evergreen tomatoes, in Russia today tomatoes taste like painted ones.
Savely Libkin's Odesa cuisine is one of the best in the city.
Odesa cuisine likes to stand, it cannot be taken off the stove and swallowed quickly.
You have to let it stand on the stove or in the fridge.
The Odesa market smells.
Odesa dill smells.
Odesa garlic sticks to your fingers.
Odesa mackerel separates from the spine and melts in your mouth.
Bluefish caviar sharpens and flavors any pork chop.
Odesa red borscht with beans.
Green with an egg...
One chicken neck, stuffed legs, broth and noodles.
Wine in Odesa is called "daddy's" - it is sucked through a tube from a 12-liter glass bottle.
In short.
Come to Odesa hungry and have fun while there is something to eat.
Savva Libkin's shop
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